Self/ Unself – Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition
Self/ Unself – Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition is organized by Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum, Design Academy Eindhoven and Macau Designers Association
, and co-organized by Macau Design Centre. The exhibition was inaugurated at Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum in September this year and it is moving to Macau Design Centre in January. The opening ceremony in Macau will be held on January,14, 2015. This is the first Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition held in Macau, and it provides an opportunity to Macau resident and people of design scope to approach the avant-garde and experimental works of Dutch design as well as the latest design of the world and comprehend contemporary design development.
Design Academy Eindhoven is the most renowned design college in the Netherlands. New York Times praised that “Undoubtedly, it is the best design college in the world” in 2003. Self/Unself- Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition shows the works by alumni of Design Academy Eindhoven. Roving exhibition has been displayed in Eindhoven, Milan and New York. Self/ Unself – Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition, Macau roving exhibition is going to display 27 sets of works from Dutch design studios and designers, and show representative works by famous designers in Dutch design scope. The works in the exhibition originates from the designers’ personal perception of arts and the world through various media with installation, image and multimedia in society, by manifesting meaning of sign and symbolize the unique glamour of expression.
Macau Design Centre provides the first comprehensive platform to assist and promote design development in Macau, it promotes spirit of design to society through various projects of exchange, promotion, training, collaboration and extension, so as to exert the value of design in business and society. Macau Design Centre aims to propel a healthy development for cultural and creative industries in Macau. This exhibition introduces excellent Dutch design works to Macau and extends exchange between the Netherlands and Macau. Meanwhile, it facilitates the possibility of close cooperation in the future.
Macau roving exhibition of Self/Unself- Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition will inaugurate in the Exhibition Hall at Macau Design Centre at 18:30 on January,14, 2015. A seminar on “Self/Unself-Dutch contemporary design ” by Thomas Widdershoven, Director of Design Academy Eindhoven and other participating designers of this exhibition including Atelier NL、Lucas Maassen& Sons、Simpson Tse , will be held at the same day, from 16:00-18:00 at the seminar room of Macau Design Centre. The exhibition lasts until March,15, 2015. Exhibition and seminar are both free of charge. Seats of seminar are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register on website for reservation http://goo.gl/forms/e6XKW05L5h. Macau Design Centre locates at Travessa da Fabrica No. 5, Macau. Opening hours start from 12:00 pm-20:00 pm (except Mondays) Please call 28520335 or e-mail to [email protected] for enquiry.
Organizers:Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum, Design Academy Eindhoven, Macau DesignCentre
Co-organizers: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Macau Designers Association
Sponsors:The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR Government, Creative Industry Fund NL, DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation, Embassy of the Netherlands in China , Consulate General of the Netherlands in Shanghai, Consulate General of the Netherlands in Hong Kong SAR Government, Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou
Curators:Feng Boyi, Liu Gang, James Chu, Thomas Widdershoven
Participating artists:
Atelier NL, Bertjan Pot, Bora Hong, Christiaan Hendriks, ChristienMeindertsma, Cody Wilson, DaanRoosegaarde, Dave Hakkens, Erik Kessels / Ria van Dijk, Florian de Visser, Hansje van Halem, Hella Jongerius, Jan Pieter Kaptein, John Körmeling, KlaskeOenema, Lucas Maasen& Sons, Maarten Baas, MarijeVogelzang , Roland Pieter Smit, Studio Formafantasma , Studio Maarten KolkGuusKusters, Studio Makkink&Bey, Thom Gottelier, Thonik, Vincent de Rijk, YebWiersma, Bart EysinkSmeets
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